Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Idaho Magazine - 2/1906

The Idaho Magazine
VOL III, February 1906, No. 3. The Magazine & History Publishing Co
804 Idaho St., Boise, Idaho.

As you can probably see, it has had damage from a liquid spilled on it and some pages are sticking together. Someone (not me!) opened it later and tore/lifted print from one of two articles about the governor. You can see the places where the print was removed and or torn off on the second page.

A bit of an Idaho Who's Who on the Contributor List.

I cropped the second page of this article as the rest was not about the governor and if I had tried to get the whole page it would have put that much more stress on an already weak binding.

The Idaho State Historical Society (ISHS)knows nothing about this magazine so it may be a hard one to find. Let me know if you have ever seen it before.

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