Friday, January 25, 2008

Julian Steunenberg at the Haywood Trial

Left: Julian Steunenberg maybe about three years old?

Right: Julian Steunenberg and John Richards c 1954. I was about three years old too. Hmm...I seem to have come full circle and need to get some of those cool suspenders again to hold up my pants.

Following are a couple of brief excerpts regarding my grandpa Julian Steunenberg as a young man at the trial of William Haywood.

(From my 1907 newspaper collection documenting the Haywood trial).

The Sun

St. John, New Brunswick, Tuesday, May 14, 1907


Boise Idaho, May 13…To the court this afternoon came Julian Steunenberg, son of the murdered former governor, a tall, sturdy youth strikingly like his father in face and figure. For two hours he sat with the members of the Boise Bar, ten feet from the chair of the prisoner, William D. Haywood. He spoke to no one and remained a quiet unobtrusive spectator. He is her under subpoena as a witness and it is expected that he will be among the first called.

The Daily Telegraph

St. John, New Brunswick, Wednesday June 5, 1907


State’s Attorney Declares He Conspired To Murder Many People

Boise Idaho, June 4…The witnesses today were all from Caldwell…Julian Steunenberg, son of the dead governor, was called to tell how Orchard had, three days before the murder, inquired of him about his father’s movements. Steunenberg took the stand bravely, but when Senator Borah began to question him, a cloud of pain passed over his face and he evidently tried to keep back the tears.

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