Saturday, January 12, 2008

Song's Performed by Bona Fide with John Larsen at the Premeire of Assassination: Idaho's Trial of the Century.

Above is the Bona Fide Program from the premiere of Assassination: Idaho's Trial of the Century. I vaguely remember belting out a few bars (or maybe that was in a few bars) of "Cigarettes, Whiskey and Wild Wild Women"...maybe something similar to that last tune on the list..."While Away From Whiskey, Wild Women & Beer"? Long, long ago. Interesting that the Warden was able to make it a misdemeanor to sing that song. A lot of guilty folks after the sing along at the premiere. Click image to enlarge.

That's my Lyda checking out Lyda's place at the Idaho Pen. Actually daughter Caley (kay-lee), June 2005. We know Lyda and Harry Orchard were friends at the pen. Check in the right hand column under "Historical Music" for more info and a couple of playable tracks.

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