Saturday, March 15, 2008

Would Trade a Mantle, Mays, Koufax or Robinson for a good Steunenberg, Orchard, Siringo or Meldrum

JTR Collection
Here is a cropped version of that same photo postcard that is shown toward the bottom of the blog in the photo section and has appeared in True West Magazine and on the Assassination: Idaho's Trial of the Century website. It was one of the very view reminders of the trial left over from by grandparents as they did not want this stuff around. Fortunately my Mom held on to it.

This one was taken at the old courthouse. There is another similar group photo out there in the world that I don't have that was taken at the Idaho pen. Although the pictures appear in many publications, finding genuine period photo postcards such at this is extremely difficult. They sell for $100's of dollars each. When my boys were still at home and we were into baseball card collecting, I use to spend a pretty penny on a good Mickey Mantle, Willie Mays, Sandy Koufax or Jackie Robinson card. Now I would trade them for a decent Steunenberg, Orchard, Siringo or Meldrum any day. Any takers out there?

You can click on the pic to get a closer look at these boys.

Read more about the lesser known Bob "Bad Man" Meldrum (standing at the bottom of the stairs in between Orchard and Warden Whitney) on my 2/8/08 post.

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