Saturday, April 26, 2008

Another Haywood Trial Picture

You have seen this photo before showing the 1907 Haywood trial in Boise so nothing new. It is one of two or three I picked up recently. You can see another toward the bottom of the blog that is a portrait of Bill Haywood. I will post this one down that way too along with the others that come from period magazines that covered the trial. This picture is not an original and was most likely copied from another photograph. Dates to the 1950's/60's. From the information imprinted on the back, it was licensed to be loaned out to media, publishers, etc for the purpose of making one copy for the intended use. Such photo publication services dramatically changed as the Internet took hold and items became more widely available and published in digital formats. The picture itself, being a copy, is not of great value and has limited historical significance. However, I am always a sucker for a pic of the trial like this one with hand written notations that relate the personal significance of the event and the price was cheap enough.

Lakers two up on the Denver Nuggets. Game three today!

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