Saturday, May 3, 2008

Frank's Funeral

Continuing from Big Trouble:
"With a resigned sigh, she (Belle) left the funeral arrangements in the capable hands of Frank's close friend Harry Lowell."

 "From the church, a dark procession of fifty carriages crawled up the long gravel road on the snowy face of Canyon Hill, where the governor's body was lowered into the frozen earth. He wasn't buried in the family plot, which at that time held only his first son Felix, dead in 1894 at the age of six. 

The day before the assassination, as he and Harry Lowell had returned from their trip, Frank Steunenberg had gazed out the train window at the old town graveyard on Canyon Hill and remarked how "dreary and desolate" it was, overgrown with sagebrush, graves piled high with boulders to keep the coyotes and other varmints from digging there. So Lowell selected a new part of the burial ground, free from the dense sagebrush and chaparral thickets, more open to light and air, overlooking the valleys of the Boise and the Snake."

Picture to the left from Martyr of Idaho. A pretty desolate looking place in those days.

Little Felix was later relocated to the same spot that became the Steunenberg family plot as it exists today. Picture to the right taken in 2005 showing L-R my daughter Caley, Cousin Bill Crookham and me (not showing up. Will try to relocate) A much more pleasant place today that is no longer "dreary and desolate" like the governor found it 100+ years ago.

Many Steunenberg & Crooham kinfolk are buried at Canyon Hill.

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