Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day is Every Day

I did not get my usual Saturday post out this weekend as intended. Typically that is my day to get something new up on the blog. Being mother’s day weekend, the intent was to recognize the Steunenberg women, my mom and mothers everywhere. As fate would have it, Saturday was spent at the hospital with my mother, Brenda Steunenberg Richards. Let me say right off that she is doing ok; we got her back home and no immediate danger. It was just one of those periodic scares and illnesses that are inevitable and that we have all experienced at one time or another with our loved ones. Since a blog is a public forum, I will leave it at that in respect for her privacy.

Time marches on and we need to value each day as it comes. A belated happy mothers day to all the mothers out there...past, present and future.

I love you mom! John

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