Saturday, June 21, 2008

Was That Harry Orchard In the Idaho Pen?

As it always seems with high profile assassination cases, conspiracy theories abound. Was Lee Harvey Oswald really the assassin of President Kennedy? Did he act alone? Why was he silenced? The same was true in regards to the assassination of Governor Steunenberg.

Although the following letters raise a similar theory in regards to Harry Orchard, the evidence to date has not led to any substantiation or definitive conclusion. Sound familiar! Then why even raise the issue? Just as with any assassination in history, I do believe "evidence" that might rewrite a bit of history requires a full and complete airing so that other facts that substantiate or discredit such theories can be put forth. I certainly would want to know if anyone else was involved in being the trigger person that murdered my great grandfather. However, until someone can present clear and convincing evidence, then I have no doubt that Harry Orchard was the murderer and he is the one that died in 1954 at the Idaho pen.

Judge Byron Johnson has a great interest in these letters and it was through his research efforts that they were brought to my attention when he and I met in Boise.

I encourage you to read the letters, provide your views and opinions (you can click on the "comments" link at the end of the post) or email me directly. Perhaps some of Orchard's descendants out there have a viewpoint. I will comment more later but wanted to at least get these posted on the blog. Click on each page to enlarge.

letters were provided courtesy of the Idaho State Historical Society along with permission to reproduce on this blog. Thank you Linda Morton-Keithley, ISHS. Linda’s citation is immediately below.

m47200801161704.pdf - is a series of 3 letters from AR 42, Department of Corrections Inmate Records, Inmate #1406 The first, dated 3 May 1939 and signed by Joseph O’Reilly, is one page long. The second, dated 13 May 1939 and signed by Joseph O’Reilly, is two pages long. The third, dated 1937 and unsigned, is three pages long.

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