Tuesday, July 1, 2008

New Idaho Public Television "SONG" Page

Hello All. Hope you are gearing up for a fun but safe 4th of July weekend. What with all the fires raging in our state (CA), I would just as soon folks leave the fireworks alone and go only to the professionally staged shows. Undoubtedly we will still have more fires sparked by the unsafe and careless use of fireworks around our tender dry brush. Be careful out there.

This is just a quick note to let you know that Idaho Public Television (IPTV), courtesy of web guru Rick Penticoff, has added a new page to the Assassination: Idaho's Trial of the Century website. Thanks to the continuing efforts of Gary Eller and a few friends (see individual song credits), you will want to visit the new "Songs" page. Here you will see a sampling of historical music related to the assassination and trial, some of which has been previously mentioned on this blog. It has been fun and gratifying to follow along with Gary as he continues to preserve and record historical music. For more information, check out the Bona Fida/Pickle Butte website. No doubt I will be doing a more detailed entry later down the road and I bet we can expect an album from Gary and the gang in the not too distant future.

So take a listen and while on the IPTV site don't forget to order up your copy of the DVD if you have not yet done so. I reckon a lot of folks have already as I see that the regular link from the "Assassination" page for purchasing the DVD is not currently active. That might be because they ran out of DVD's (a good thing!). However, do not despair as you can still go to http://shop.idahoptv.org/category/show/5147 to place an order. A new batch is due in and scheduled to be available for shipping August 5th. Only $21.95 and you don't have to pay twice that amount to put gas in the tank to get to the theater. Better get your order in quick!

Enjoy the music.

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