Friday, August 8, 2008

Bringing the Haywood Jury to a Calm and Unbiased Decision July 27, 1907

Just a quick note to pass on this link provided courtesy of our friend Gary Eller. Thought I would put it here rather then burying with all the other links. Haywood trial political comment cartoons are rather few and far between. Click on the link below:
"Bringing the Haywood jury to a calm and unbiased decision"

I will be seeing if I can get permission to utilize the image but the link lets you see it anyway along with all the referencing information.

You can find a lot of other J. N. "Ding" Darling cartoons from the University of Iowa Digital Library. No doubt I will be poking around more as we have a lot of family history in Iowa too that I have not explored to any great degree.

More later this weekend.

Not too much later....I already started checking out the site a bit more and here is another good Haywood trial cartoon from Jay "Ding" Darling. "When they get around to the twelfth juror"
And more:
Big Bill Haywood is reported on his way back in disgust
Our bow-legged constabulary
Any incivility on the part of the attendants should be promptly reported

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