Saturday, November 29, 2008

Another Letter of Condolence to my grandfather Julian for the murder of his father/Ex.Governor Steunenberg

Here is a letter of condolence from Elizabeth H. Goetler (?) to Julian Steunenberg dated 12/31/1905. I am not sure of the last name spelling. If anyone has a better guess or knowledge of who this high school Principal is from Tekoa, WA during the period around 1905/1906 then let me know. There was no envelope. Eventually I will do a little detective work and track down the connection between Julian and Elizabeth. I am guessing that the trail may lead to Walla Walla College. Click on the letter to get the enlarged version.

Tekoa, Washington
Dec. 31, 1905

Dear Julian:
On my return from Church this morning, I was shocked beyond measure to hear of your father's death. What fiend could have perpetrated this awful deed!

I hasten to offer you my sympathy in this trying hour. May the Lord help and sustain you in this great bereavement is my prayer. I know that all words seem vain (?) when one is overwhelmed with grief as you are, and yet, sometimes, it is a comfort to know that our friends think of us and do sadly sympathize with us in our grief and sorrow for the loved one that has been so cruelly snatched from our side.

You have the comfort in knowing your father was a good and just man and respected by all who knew him.

I extend my heartfelt sympathy to your mother and entire family.

Most Sincerely your friend

Mrs. S. Elizabeth H. Goetler (?)
Principal High School Tekoa, Wash.

I hope everyone is having a great Thanksgiving weekend. We took a Turkey meal up to my folks (John Sr. and Brenda Steunenberg Richards) on Friday. They are not able to go out anymore and find it difficult to have any large groups in the house. We visit in shifts. Both were in good spirits and we were pleased to see Mom eat a pretty healthy portion. For Dad, a healthy portion is never a problem! I gathered with all my kids (son Josh and his wife Chrystie and their foster son Noah, my other son Joe, my daughter Caley and her friend Victor and my wife Cindy for dinner out this year. Plenty to eat as usual and happy to have all my kids nearby. Our best to you and yours. John and Family.

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