Monday, November 10, 2008

Veteran's Day November 11, 2008 - Staff Sargent Jule Steunenberg

We honor our men and women serving around the world today and all those who have served and sacrificed throughout our history.

B17 Flying Fortress (contributed by sfalcont to

I never met my Uncle Jule (Juke) Steunenberg as he died over the Pacific on July 20, 1946 in an accident involving two B-17's such as the one pictured above. He was one of the six children of Julian and Francis Steunenberg. The others are my mother Brenda, Uncle Cal (both living at age 90 and 95 respectfully) Uncle Bud, Aunt Doris and John (died in infancy). Of course all were great grandchildren of Frank and Belle Steunenberg. Frank, having been assassinated on December 30th, 1905, never had the opportunity to see any of his grandchildren.

Jule had already served five years in the Army Air Corp during WWII. On the day of his death, two B-17's were patrolling in search of missing planes and investigating the possible sighting of a life raft when this tragic accident occurred. Twenty crew members died.

Written by my mother Brenda Steunenberg Richards on the back of the above left picture of Jule: "Brenda's brother Jule (Juke) youngest of my 3 brothers. They were so good to little sister Brenda."

Proclamation from President Lyndon Johnson. Not dated and probably done as a Memorial Day event during the Johnson Administration.

Also see:
Footnote Pages

The Marines

Robert K. Steunenberg-WW II Veteran on LST 808 and Distinguished Scientist

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