Sunday, November 16, 2008

Was Governor Steunenberg as Tall as Shaquille O'Neal or another Crocodile Dundee?

"Gov Steunenberg stood nearly seven feet in his stockings, and never wore a necktie. When he appeared on Broadway six years ago he created a sensation with his Western costume, broad hat and long hair."

Well the governor was a big guy but not seven feet. Otherwise he might have been playing basketball rather then being a governor. He was more like 6'4", about the same as me. Sensation on Broadway? Costume? My great grandfather had long hair? That sounds like when Crocodile Dundee came out of the Australian bush and was walking the streets of New York (for those that saw the movie). In this case it is Governor Steunenberg from the Idaho Treasure Valley. I think we see a bit of the still prevalent view in 1905 that Eastern papers had of the "Wild West."

I am proud to say that the Governor and I share the same view when it comes to neckties. A family tradition that I try to follow.

Chicago Tribune 8/29/1899.

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