Saturday, December 20, 2008

1st Lt. George Steunenberg in the Spanish-American War

1st Lt. George Steunenberg

of the 1st Idaho Volunteer Infantry

Writes of the Trip from Hawaii to Manila

Click on the link below

Captain George Steunenberg-The Army Poet. Click on Library of Congress to see the full page where I found this photo.

George often got himself in hot water with military/government authorities because of his outspoken and opinionated nature. Definitely the free spirit from among the Steunenberg brothers. He produced a considerable volume of poetry, much of it having been published, including the books Memories of Hawaii and Other Verse and Songs of a Soldier.
He was a gifted writer.

In the climate of fear that existed during the time of WWI, George was investigated by the Bureau of Investigations (later changed to the FBI) as he tended to draw a lot of attention to himself with comments that might be critical of political leaders or viewed as opposing the war. His poetry sometimes drifted into the political realm and at times would draw rebuke from his superiors.

Interestingly, a government agent initially assumed that with a name like Steunenberg he must be German. Of course, that was incorrect as the Steunenberg's are Hollander's.

Probably because of George's somewhat rebel nature, I find him to be one of my most interesting ancestors. Give'em hell George!

For a couple of other pictures and additional information on George, go to my post: Saturday, December 29, 2007, Photo of Charles and Major George Steunenberg.


This was written my George Steunenberg in memory of his sister Elizabeth Steunenberg Van Wyngargen.

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