Tuesday, December 30, 2008

"GADZOOKS!" "Lest we forget, lest we forget!"


September 26, 1913

Editorial Page

Watkin L. Roe, Editor

We have faith that the pardon board of the State of Idaho will retain its reason and judgment in spite of the maudlin sentiments being exhibited by a few religious organizations in behalf of Orchard, the murderer. Must we forget and forgive the dastardly crime so soon? Suppose the man has got religion, suppose he has become a fit member for religious "rollers?" What then! Gadzooks! Stuenenberg (sic) was a man Idaho took pride in and his premeditated assassination cannot so soon be forgotten. A life term in the penitentiary, where conscience can hammer at Orchard spectre-like, and jingle in his ears till the death rattle appears should be his portion. It used to be an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, but now-a-days a few fool lawyers try the immunity bath. Oh faugh, put on the brakes, "Lest we forget, lest we forget!"

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