Saturday, January 31, 2009

Caldwell, Idaho-History and Questions

Here are a few more photo postcards and a cover from Caldwell, Idaho courtesy of our friend Mark Metkin. The postcards I have among my collection and you may have seen elsewhere. The cover I do not and is a wonderful postal item reflecting this important building in Caldwell history.

With all this free publicity I am giving Mark, he is going to have to find me a deal on a Steunenberg, ID postmark or a nice Caldwell cover such at the one shown below (smile). I have added a tad bit to his descriptions here and there. Click on the pictures for enlarged views.

Caldwell real photo postcard - town panorama - mailed from Caldwell in 1917. The OSL Depot can be seen to the upper left, the Caldwell Banking & Trust Co. (arched windows) and The Saratoga Hotel (turret) are visible near the center of the picture.

Caldwell lithographed postcard - Boise-Caldwell trolley at Main and Sixth Streets - mailed from Caldwell 1908. The Saratoga and the Caldwell Banking & Trust Co. appear to the right of the

Caldwell 1904 cover with illustrated building advertising for The Saratoga, R.V. Sebree, Manager. Shows the building as it looked when it was completed in 1904. Subsequently enlarged with an upper floor that removed the turrets and completely changed the appearance. The hotel burned down in a tragic 1990 fire.

Thanks again to Mark for continuing to share helpful information and interesting covers and postcards.

Mark submitted the following questions. I am going to give some hints but ask others to take a shot at it before I give any more detailed answers. Of course, no guarantee that I have anything right and this way I can copy from everyone else.

Stump a Steunenberg questions:

Suppose you could go one century back in time and ride the trolley from downtown Boise to downtown Caldwell. You could then be in this picture! How long would the trip take? Hint: "The Loop"

Could your great grandfather have taken the same trolley ride? Hint: Only in spirit.

On the other hand, being a prominent businessman and former governor, your great grandfather may have preferred to travel between Caldwell and Boise on a real passenger train rather than an electric streetcar. Could he do so without changing trains? Hint: Where the Oregon Short Line and Idaho Central Railroad meet.

This cover identifies one R.V. Sebree as the general manager of The Saratoga. Who was he? Hint: Splinter collector.

Who was Walter S. Campbell? Hint: You still can't miss his turrets.

Some claimed in later years that The Saratoga was haunted. Perhaps because Harry Orchard (an alias) stayed at the hotel (under another alias) while perpetrating a terrible crime. What room did he stay in? Hint: The eighth smallest prime number.

So tell me more....

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