Saturday, January 24, 2009

Photo of Steunenberg, Idaho...sort of

Steunenberg, ID. You see it don't you? Over there on the "extreme right" as per the caption. Here is a detail from that side of the photo. Maybe that larger building in the background is the hotel that later burned down? Click the photos to enlarge.

This is the only picture I have found to date of the metropolis of Steunenberg, ID. It definitely demonstrates that Ferdinand and Steunenberg were but a stones throw from each other. The photo comes from that great work, Pioneer Days in Idaho County, Volume I, by Sister Alfreda Eisensohn. I went in search of both volumes I and II figuring I might have to get them from an Idaho library or pay the hefty price a set of these books can sometimes demand. To my surprise, I found both just a few minutes down the road at the Cal Poly State University San Luis Obispo Library.

There have been several more surprises and interesting contacts in the past week or so. A just rescued photo of a young Frank Steunenberg that is on its way to me, an old wash bench probably made at the Idaho Pen by Harry Orchard that a gentleman contacted me about, interesting Caldwell, ID covers from Mark Metkin, a copy of the original 1907 surveyed plat map for Steunenberg, Idaho and more from Pioneer Days in Idaho County. I am a little short on time but will get that stuff on here soon.

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