Saturday, June 27, 2009

Visit to the The Idaho Pen - 11/8/2007

These pics probably look familiar, as I am moving some items up from the lower picture section. This way they can be be archived, save some download time and space and be available for easier viewing. These were taken during our special visit to the Idaho Pen on the day following the premiere of Assassination: Idaho's Trial of the Century.

John (me) on the left and Gary Anderson (aka Clarence Darrow) on the right "loafing" at the Idaho Pen. It was both educational and a lot of fun to spend a little time with "Darrow." Click on the image to go to Gary's "American Legends" website. 
John and Keith Couch (aka Judge Fremont Wood). "But judge, did you have to keep telling the jury that independent corroboration was needed of Orchard's testimony!" Click the pic to read more about Judge Wood (bad link).

Prisoners view of the cross up on the hill that overlooks the Idaho Pen (courtesy of Caley Richards). Click on the pic to hear some oral history interviews from previous guards at the pen. (bad link).

Daily Log of Premiere Week (no longer active link. I have to get it setup elsewhere).

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