Friday, September 4, 2009

Frank Steunenberg Pictures

Continuing the migration of some pictures from the unarchived photos at the bottom of the blog. Here are several of my great-grandfather, Governor Frank Steunenberg.

Above from the composite cover of the Idaho Public Television (IPTV) DVD of Assassination: Idaho's Trial of the Century. Get your copy of the DVD today.

I wish I knew where this was taken and where that chair went. Maybe it was in the old territorial capitol or perhaps an early portrait studio of the time. This is an un-retouched photo from one of my mother's albums. Yes, we have some cleaned up Photoshop versions but I prefer the nicks and scratches of time that are more reflective of real life. Nice suit for a country boy that never put on a tie.

Photo portrait of the governor.

July (hot!) 2005 in Boise with my daughter Caley and Attorney General Wasden. This is what we would call the official portrait of the governor painted in oils by Charles Leopold. At the time of our visit, it was in one of the Attorney Generals conference rooms along with the Steunenberg desk pictured elsewhere. The items were moved in preparation for the capitol restoration project. Not sure where they will end up when it's all done. Read more at: Steunenberg Portrait.

On the back of the above postcard: "Steunenberg Statue, Boise, Idaho: The statue stands across Jefferson Street facing the steps to the Idaho State Capitol. The Commission was originated in 1907 with W. A. Coughanour as president to erect the statue, it was dedicated in 1927. Frank Steunenberg served as Governor of Idaho from 1897 to 1900. He was assassinated in 1905." Click here to read more about it: Steunenberg Statue

Monument in honor of Frank and A.K. Steunenberg near the old OSL Depot in Caldwell, ID

"Zet iets neer en stap opzij"/"Make A Mark Then Stand Aside"

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