Sunday, December 27, 2009

Clarence Darrow aka Gary Anderson

Just so you don't lose track of our friend Clarence Darrow (aka Gary Anderson), he is still out there providing us with great oratory but has left CA for for the friendly confines of Dillon, Montana. Below is Darrow's updated contact information. There should be plenty of miners and unions around Dillon that can benefit from having Darrow in the neighborhood.

Click Steunenberg (aka me) and Darrow (aka Gary) to see us "loafing" at the Idaho Pen the day after the Egyptian Theatre premiere of Assassination: Idaho's Trial of the Century.

Clarence Darrow changing email/website/phone

Hi Everyone and Happy Holidays,

My wish for all of us is a well funded and prosperous new year in which the country can once again thrive.

Please note:

1. new email address please delete my prior address of

2. new website and domain name
The other domain name of is no longer.

3. new phone number 406-925-0718.

Thanks for staying in touch and for your support and encouragement.

Gary Anderson,CEO
The Clarence Darrow Foundation.
A 32 year-old, 501(c)(3)non profit
public charity dedicated to the
perpetuation of the legacy and
ideals of Clarence Darrow.


1 comment:

  1. You are a good friend John. Thank you for your warmth and encouragement.

    Gary aka CD
