Saturday, December 12, 2009

Governor Steunenberg's changing views of Boise and the Capitol building.

January 9th, 2010 will mark the completion and re-dedication of the remodeled and restored Idaho Capitol building. If you are in or around Boise on the 9th, be sure to stop on in for a look see and maybe send me a picture or two. Hopefully, I will get a chance to visit in the spring or summer. See previous blog post from Saturday, September 19, 2009: Capitol Restoration

Watching over the capitol building for 82 years has been the statue of Governor Frank Stueunenberg, dedicated on 12/11/1927. In the real photo postcard above, note the cars in the distance and the lack of any vegetation around the statue in the middle of the round circular area. Click on the photo to enlarge for viewing. We can see the Federal Building to the immediate right and the Egyptian Theatre further up on the corner of Capitol Blvd. (7th Street at that time I believe) and Main Street. As many of you know, the Egyptian is where the premiere of Idaho Public Television's production of Assassination: Idaho's Trial of the Century took place. You all have supported public television and purchased your DVD of the program...right? Makes a great Christmas gift and you might even see me flash across the screen for a few seconds in a couple of appearances. Straight ahead up Capitol Blvd., in the very far distance, is the faint outline of the Union Pacific Depot.

Here is a a slightly later view. Shrubbery and flowers have been planted around the statue and some of the larger trees along Bannock Street have been removed. Still circa 1930's I would guess?

And here we see the shrubbery around the statue has matured, the Egyptian is now the Ada Theatre (and would change later back to the Egyptian) and cars appear to be from the 1930's-40's.

Above photos from the collection of John T. Richards.

Click here for another view taken from the capitol dome that can been seen on the ISHS webite. Appears from the automobiles and more mature trees to be maybe late 1940's/early 1950's.

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Coming up soon! Frank's changing views looking toward the Capitol Building over the years.
Other Related Links Below
Idaho Capitol Commission
Welcome To Idaho's State Capitol

Wikipedia - Idaho State Capitol
Territorial Capitol
Arthur Hart Straightens Me Out

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