Saturday, February 27, 2010

Update on My Mother Brenda Steunenberg Richards

Her is a brief update on my mother, 91 (working on 92) years young Brenda Steunenberg Richards. I know quite a few family and friends read this blog but are not in regular contact with me or the immediate family and I have not posted an update since November 2009.

Click on the picture of my mother to the right to read the story of the cross.

My mom is resting comfortably at Vineyard Hills Health Center in Templeton (near Paso Robles) CA, where she has been for over three months now. The facility is about 30-40 minutes away from where I reside in San Luis Obispo County, CA. My dad, John Sr. or "Rich," remains at their nearby home in Paso Robles and my sisters Beckie and Kris also live nearby.

Mom is weak, frail and fighting the inevitable health issues associated with age. However, she is comfortable and fortunately has not suffered the severe dementia/Alzheimer's that plagued her mother/my grandmother, Francis Steunenberg, or her sister/my aunt Doris Steunenberg Knowles. Her short-term memory is not very good (but then neither is mine) so she may not remember I was there minutes after a visit ends, but she knows who we are and can express herself quite clearly at times! We are still able to have enjoyable visits and converse, particularly during those periods that she is awake and/or not fighting an infection that tends to create a more confused state. Moms spirit and smile still shine through as does her ever present concern about others rather than herself (no mom, I'm not going to eat your food as your baby boy eats too much as it is!).

We know the days are numbered but Mom keeps fooling us with her staying power through each medical crisis. She is comfortable and cared for and that is all we can ask.

We love you mom.

If you have any inquiries, want more details or need an address, please contact me at:

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