Saturday, March 6, 2010

Where is Harry Orchard's Colt Single Action Army? Who has it?

If you have a little spare change around, the Colt of Meldrum's in the previous post would be a fine item for your (my) collection. Now if I only knew where Harry Orchard's old Army Colt ended up after being auctioned off a few years back. It wouldn't be as pretty as Meldrum's, as Harry wasn't no gunfighter and probably didn't take very good care of it. A gun was not the chosen tool of his trade and shooting wasn't his type of killing. However, a cowardly shot in the back now and then wasn't against his constitution if he couldn't get his prey with dynamite.

The following auction took place circa 2003-2006. I believe it was likely 2004, as that would have been the only year within that time-frame with Columbus Day falling on Monday October 11th as indicated at the top of the listing. Click on the auction listing for clearer reading. Those of you more familiar with auction houses specializing in old weapons might be able to shed some light on it. If you are the one that bought Harry's Colt, or know who did, I sure would appreciate hearing from you. Not particularly looking to buy, but would like to get some documentation and good photographs for the historical record.

Colt Single Action Army (Wikipedia)

Colt Firearms

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