Friday, July 23, 2010

The Testimony of Julian P. Steunenberg

As a follow-up to the previous short newspaper account of the testimony of my grandfather, Julian Steunenberg, here is the transcript of that portion of the trial. Click on the pages to enlarge for reading or go directly to the Haywood Trial Transcript, Volume I, page 70 (page number on the left lower corner of the transcript) at the University of Minnesota Law Library and use their viewer.

This is of course a very short sample of the Haywood trial transcript courtesy of the University Of Minnesota Law Library. You can view all 5,000 plus pages of the transcript at: Clarence Darrow - His Life, Legal Career & Legacy.

Visit this great website if you haven't already.

Other blog entries of interest:
Did the Steunenberg children favor commuting Orchard's sentence?

Julian Steunenberg riding in a carriage

Letters from Assassin Harry Orchard (to Julian)

One of many memorable walks with my grandpa Julian (circa 1954)

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