Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans Day 2010 - Thank You for Your Service & Sacrifice

Cal Steunenberg - May 19, 1913 - May 21, 2009.
Somewhere in the South Pacific circa 1943
Photo courtesy of Roy Steunenberg

You may have seen this photograph elsewhere on the blog but it is such a great view of my Uncle Cal, with the big grin on his face, the filthy dirty and tattered uniform, and framed by the Army tent in the background. I think it serves as a fitting image of our soldiers and the classic American G.I. Perhaps I will make this a Veterans Day tradition. Click on the photo a couple of times to enlarge the view.

Presidential Proclamation

Thank you to all of our Vets, past and present, for their service and sacrifice. Hopefully that is at least one thing we can all agree on even as we debate the politics and policies of war.

World World II in HD

These recovered and remastered films and other reality based historical records should be required in our high schools and for new citizens. Today's history lessons, news media, and government sanitized views of war tend to relegate it to the level of a video game. Any soldier and their family knows that is not the case and the rest of us need to realize it too. Look for it on the History Channel.

Other websites and food for thought below. These are some random references and listings and do not imply my agreement or disagreement with content. It does imply by endorsement of you looking around, doing some research, thinking about the sacrifices and costs of war and to have thoughtful reflection and discussion as we honor all of our vets of all wars and war like actions.

"Surviving the Battle of Chicago." by Byron J. Johnson (click link for full text in Idaho Yesterdays).
"As I reflect on the "Battle of Chicago" from the perspective of almost forty years, I ponder an alternative scenario. What if Humphrey had been nominated, but the minority plank on Vietnam had passed? Would Humphrey have been able to win? If so, how would the United States be a different place in which to live today? Think of the different policies we might have. Think of not having to endure the Watergate scandal. Think of a country that relied on peaceful means of dealing with international conflict, instead of armed intervention."
- -Byron J. Johnson
(We know Byron from IPTV's production of Assassination: Idaho's Trial of the Century. I include his article and reflection because of the historical significance of that 1968 convention, particularly for those of us from the Vietnam era and this 17-18 year old who would graduate from high school in 1969. I also want to express my thoughts and prayers to Byron as he continues to battle a personal illness.

Human Cost of War

Counseling & Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Veterans Administration into the 21st Century

Revolutionary War

War of 1812

Mexican War

Civil War





Desert Storm

Iraq (and Afghanistan)


Banana Wars

And various other actions throughout our history.

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