Friday, June 17, 2011

Re-visiting the Clarence Darrow Digital Collection..again, again, again...

This is just such a massive and great collection that opportunities to research new items will never end. Of course I have a great interest in the Haywood trial but the scope and influence of Darrow's life goes far beyond those months in Boise during 1907. Here is another look, starting with the Haywood trial link. Click on the photo below (those receiving email updates may see a link only) to be taken to the Clarence Darrow Digital Collection at the University of Minnesota Website. Be sure to scroll down when you get there as more documents and photos have been added.

1 comment:

  1. This has always been a digital collection I've looked at and thought I need to find the time this collection deserves to have spent on it. It's fascinating stuff, the kind I'd need an entire weekend with my computer to go through.
