Saturday, August 13, 2011

Company A of the First Idaho Volunteers

I am on a Spanish-American War binge right now and some of this you have seen before. I am publishing all the names below from Company A in case we might have any descendants out there with information to share. I am particularly searching for photographs of Company A (and any Idaho First) soldiers and artifacts from that time period.

From: The Idaho State Flag
JTR collection
After a declaration of War against Spain by the United States Congress on April 19, 1898, the Secretary of War sent telegrams off to each state "advising them of the allotment of troops under the President's call for volunteers.” Idaho’s contribution was defined as two battalions of infantry composed of four companies each. Governor Frank Steunenberg issued orders for the Idaho National Guard companies composing the First Regiment to report to Boise. These companies were mustered into the service of the United States as the First Idaho Volunteer Infantry in May of 1898 for deployment to the Philippines to fight in the Spanish-American War.

Click on the image below to read about the U. S. Rifle Model 1889 (aka .45-.70 "Trapdoor"). This rifle was carried by most of the state troops (and hence most of the Idaho 1st) during the Spanish-American War.

JTR collection
1st Idaho Volunteer Infantry

Company A (and scroll the list for all company's)

Anyone have ancestors, relics, photos and/or stories to share about Idaho troops in the Spanish-American war?

This company came chiefly from Canyon County and was mustered in with Phil W. McRoberts, captain; Henry J. Syms, first lieutenant; George E. Steunenberg, second lieutenant; William H. Watson, first sergeant; Willard C. Dyer, quartermaster sergeant; Edward A. Martin, Frank Dement, Charles E. Peppard and Durbin L. Badley, sergeants; Jason W. Kelly, Arthur A. Brown, William B. Peppard, John C. Gaunt, Peter Gearhart and Morris E. Bruner, corporals; Claude Hill and Howard R. Hill, musicians; Paul F. Graf, artificer;
Albert Hubner, wagoner.

Privates-Oskar Anderson, Charles W. Bechtol, Robert F. Beil, Silas W. Bernethy, Alfred H. Brainerd, John R. Berry, Robert Bonner, Charles O. Cobb, Bert Colvin, Ross J. Colvin, William G. Cottle, Harry F. Craig, William Dawn, Fred M. Dudley, Samuel J. Donaldson, John Dornen, James W. Farmer, George Farrell, Gus C. F. Fieseler, Herman Fuchs, Sidney C. Fuld, Percy W. George, Samuel D. Gilman, Henry Hacker, Silas P. Hagler, Barton S. Harris, Samuel A. Harris, William C. Hicinbothem, Fred Hofman, Asa C. Hylton, George W. Jackson, Jesse H. Jackson, Leslie Jones, Robert J. Kingston, Alonzo Lake, George W. Lee, Thomas McCaffrey, David McIlveen, Harry McKinley, James Malloy, Wheeler H. Martin, Frank A. Morton, Benjamin F. Moore, James J. Mullalley, Thomas C. Napier, Arthur Pearson, Ralph Polker, William T. Rawlings, Charles O. Renn, Harley E. Reynolds, Thomas G. Rutter, William E. Stull, John F. Swank, Wallace E. Tanner, James Taylor, Jesse Thompson, Fred Tucker, Herbert E. Van Housen, Alexander Vaughn, Charles Wilhelm, Fred Wilson, Ames D. Wooden.

1st Lt. George Steunenberg of the 1st Idaho Volunteer Infantry writes of the trip from Hawaii to Manila. That's George to the right. I wonder what happened to that hat with I am guessing an Idaho 1st insignia? Go to Infantry Hat Insignia and scroll down to see one for enlisted men from the Idaho 1st, Compahy H. I keep hunting for one of these.

I guess I am still on a Darrow binge too. I just started reading the recently published new biography, Clarence Darrow: Attorney for the Damned by John A Farrell. I thought maybe everything had been written about Darrow but this appears to be an excellent, fresh, updated look that has grabbed my interest right out of the gate.

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