Saturday, July 9, 2011

Where exactly was the Independence Depot located?

The picture below allegedly shows the spot where the Independence Depot once stood. I have viewed it many times before over the years. The photograph is posted on the Glen Burnie Seventh-day Adventist Church website on the page entitled Harry Orchard, The Man God Made Again.

Does anyone know the exact location on a map, GPS coordinates and/or what other structures/landmarks/mines may be nearby today? I am trying to get a more accurate fix on the site.

From the webpage description: The Independence, Colorado train station was located on this spot in the early 1900s. Harry Orchard planted a bomb underneath the train station platform, set the trip wire about 100 yards out along the railroad track, and when the train came in and the men were congregating on the platform, the train broke the trip wire and set off the bomb.

Independence Depot Blown-up

"Unspeakable Crime Perpetrated"

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