Saturday, September 3, 2011

GPS Coordinates and Pictures of Key Locations Identified in Big Trouble

An interesting site with GPS coordinates and photographs. I may have put the link somewhere on the blog a couple years ago when I had contact with Mr. Gino White, the creator. I ran across the site again, was enjoying another tour, and thought I would post the link here as a general blog entry. Some minor errors/typos but great information for following the trail of Big Trouble history.

Click link below:
Big Trouble GPS Sites

From the website:
"An 1890's mining dispute set in motion events that would lead to a labor war, the governor's assassination and trial the captivated the nation's conscience. The website, like the story, will be broken into three parts: The mine war; the assassination; and the trial. It will start with the mine war. This site is not meant to be comprehensive. In fact it should only serve as an appetizer to one of the books written about the events. Lukas’ Big Trouble is an excellent read and no doubt the most comprehensive books written on this subject."


  1. So when are we going on a field trip? ;) I think it is fine time for my second reading of Big Trouble. It has been too long.

  2. It has been far too long since I took my last field trip to Idaho. Soon I hope.

    Glad to see you got back in the game during August. I like the new look.

  3. Thanks, John. Still tweaking the look.
