Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Netherlands to America

Below is the latest updates to the Steunenberg family tree courtesy of Walter Steunenberg. I have the two documents hosted on Google docs for the first time and am not sure how well that will work for everybody. They are quite long, 63 and 62 pages, and slightly longer on Google. Keep that in mind if you plan to print or download copies. They may take a little while to completely download depending upon your Internet speed. Drop me a note if you prefer to receive as an email attachment.

I know Walter appreciates updates, corrections and/or additions. I will check and see if he would like his contact information posted on this blog. In the meantime, please feel free to direct any updates my way [] and I will forward to him.

Willem Hendriks Steunenberg
(Our line from The Netherlands to America)

Peter Jansen
(The Netherlands back to 1610!)

From:John T Richards []
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 12:47 PM
To: 'Walter Steunenberg'
Cc: Bill & Berit Crookham ; Boles, Jan

Subject: RE: Family Tree

Thank you for your continued good work and dedication to the family tree. I love researching our related history but keeping detailed family trees has never been my strong point. We have always been fortunate to have family members step forward through the generations. Grace Steunenberg Crookham and even my mother Brenda Steunenberg Richards took up quite an interest. Your work in that regard, taking advantage of today’s technology and software, has been phenomenal. I use this valuable resource frequently.

I will give this latest version a good look soon and enter a notation of its availability through my b
log and to other family contacts. Also copying to the archivist, Jan Boles, at the College of Idaho.
Fantastic work!
John T. Richards, Jr.

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