Sunday, June 30, 2013

Dynamite Diplomacy: Silver Wars in the Coeur d'Alenes

I was browsing the Internet and came across a website designed by 2011 National History Day participant Hannah Weekes. Somehow it had escaped me over the past couple years but better late than never. You will find the link toward the bottom of this blog entry following a little more information from the Idaho State Historical Society (ISHS).

Hannah put together a nice website with excellent resources. I was pleased it included some good music from our favorite Idaho musician—Gary Eller aka Bona Fide, Chicken Dinner Road, Frozen Dogs and whatever other incarnation he shows up in with the likes of Rue and the boys. Click here for a music sample from Hannah's website.

From ISHS 2011 Annual Report: National History Day Students Shine

"The first national evaluation of National History Day (NHD), conducted this year, found that NHD students are better prepared for school, more sought after by employees, and have a more mature perspective on current events than their peers. The result did not come as a surprise in Idaho, where NHD is alive, well, and much appreciated by teachers and students. For 27 years, ISHS has coordinated the program in Idaho; annually more than 1,000 Idaho students participate. This year, 43 of them attended the NHD contest at the University of Maryland, where Hannah Weekes from Rocky Mountain Middle School in Idaho Falls won as the Outstanding Idaho Junior for her website, 'Dynamic Diplomacy: Silver Wars of the Coeur d’Alene’s.'”

Great work Hannah! I regret that I don't believe we got to connect during the time you were working on this project but I see you found your way to my blog. I hope it was useful to you.

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