Sunday, December 1, 2013

Boise Architecture Project (BAP)

From BAP website. Click the pic.
Doug StanWiens from the Boise Architecture Project (BAP) contacted me recently regarding some photos on this blog. Doug is an Idaho educator at Boise High School and is working on various history related projects with students, including a series of videos by the title of—Building Boise. Here are three of the initial  "rough cuts" of what is expected to be a series of eleven videos documenting Boise from its early beginnings right on up to current times.

Check these out and click on the link below to view their progress and to support the BAP. These "rough cuts" are looking pretty smooth to me. I look forward viewing the finished series of videos.

2/2014 Update: Video's no longer active.  Hopefully we will see more soon.

Boise Architecture Project

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