Saturday, May 10, 2014

Happy Mother's Day. We love you Mom.

Brenda Steunenberg Richards, 8/26/1918 - 3/21/2010.
Frazier Farmstead, Milton, OR
In Sunnyslope, Idaho. Not sure why or who lived there.
Mom in Roseburg, OR.
Not sure where but would be living in Idaho at that age.
Jefferson School, Walla Walla, WA circa 1924. Arrow points to mom.
A solemn faced Mom in Boise, perhaps for a family funeral, 1937.
John with Mom 1965. In town for a Steunenberg reunion.
John & Mom having fun in the snow.
Mom & John. A little squinty eyed on a bright sunny day at the Baywood Park, CA pier.

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