Saturday, June 21, 2014

A collection of Idaho news clippings & political notes from an A .D. Johnson of Wallace Idaho, 1906

Was digging through the archives (fancy name for my closet) this morning looking for something else but ran across this tattered old notebook. I had picked it up somewhere, maybe eBay, a couple years back but had not yet looked at it very carefully until now.
Mostly it is a collection of news clippings pertaining to the 1906 elections, with emphasis on Idaho, Gooding, Borah, Taft, Bryan, etc. The clippings are from all over but quite a bit from The Idaho Statesman. Of course Frank's assassination, labor and capital, and the "extradition", incarceration and impending trial of Haywood, Pettibone and Moyer were influencing the debate.  
The notebook comes from an A.D. Johnson of Wallace, Idaho. I have not yet done an extensive search but if if you have any information on Mr. Johnson I would love to hear from you.
For now, I am scanning the index portion and will add more pages down the road. As you can see, the notebook is pretty fragile and so I may not be able to get everything scanned if it would cause further damage. Some items are missing and the loose newspaper pages are oversize for my scanner. Nice nearly full page from The Coeue d'Alene Sun (date trimmed off but would be 1906) and one from The Idaho Daily Statesman 11/3/1906.
I will be taking my time as have to do a little conservation work, get the larger articles unfolded and protected and decide how best to preserve some of these other pages.
I see "Steunenburg" [sic] by the #14 entry on this page. Check back as I may add more to this post or will do a follow-up with additional images later. If you see something in the index of particular interest just give a holler and I will check it out for you.

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