Sunday, April 12, 2015

Capitol Cellars dishes up pork belly and Idaho politics By James Patrick Kelly

Capitol Cellars 110 S. 5th, Boise Ave, Boise, ID 208-344-WINE
4/10/2015 Idaho Statesman: Capitol Cellars dishes up pork belly and Idaho politics

"Make sure to try the Steunenberg salmon ($15/lunch), an inspired entrĂ©e that gives props to Idaho’s only governor to ever be assassinated. A fillet of flame-kissed Vancouver Island salmon (crowned with fried leeks) gets leaned on a bed of silky mushroom risotto and wilted kale, while a pool of syrupy malbec gastrique surrounds it all." (It's $20 for dinner).

Capitol Cellars

Hmmm...maybe the Borah Burger later. Of course the Steunenberger came first but isn't around anymore.

No Darrow offerings? How about a good Darrow Pot Roast? 

Now I wonder if I get a family discount on the Steunenberg salmon?

Read more here:

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