Sunday, September 20, 2015

Idanha Hotel Match Safe

Here is an item currently listed on eBay related to the Idanha Hotel. A early 1900's match safe, match box or sometimes called a Vesta case. Since I didn't have a spare $1,200 in my collectibles cookie jar at the moment, I settled for asking the seller, stroyer500, for permission to use a couple photographs. Permission was granted and in return I get to share this very interesting item and am happy to also provide a bit of free advertising.

In all my Idaho searching I have never seen another one of these. Have any of my fellow Idaho collectors seen one? How rare are they? If you have one, or know more about these, please let me know at:

This is really a nice Idanha collectible!
Other Related:  

Idanha search of this blog

Cooper Hewitt Matchsafe collection

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