Saturday, November 7, 2015

"Boise, Idaho, 1901, Legislature" & a bit of Idaho Suffrage too

Here is a nice original photo I acquired of the 1901 Sixth Idaho legislature taken on the steps of the Territorial Capital building. As we know, Frank served here as governor from 1897-1901 when some of these legislator's were no doubt also members of the Fourth and Fifth legislatures during his administration.

"The sixth session of the State Legislature began at Boise on Monday, January 7, 1901, and adjourned sine die on Tuesday, March 12, 1901. During the session Lieut.-Gov. Thomas F. Terrill served as president of the Senate, and Glen P. McKinley, of Shoshone County, as speaker of the House. Governor Hunt's administration commenced with the opening of the session.  In his message he gave a comprehensive account of the Coeur d'Alene riots and announced that the cost to the state of restoring order in the troubled district was $59,849.66. He also stated that martial law was still in force and that United States troops still occupied Shoshone County." — History of Idaho Gem of the Mountains

Only one person, William Edward Adams, is identified on the back of the photograph. I will start searching my books and photos to see who else I can ID but no doubt need a lot of help with this one. Please let me know if you can identify any of these gents and ladies.
I will assume the "ribboned hat" is the one on the lady to the right (looks like a forest up there!) and William Edward Adams is the gentleman directly behind unless they are referencing the fella just to the right. However, I could be wrong and a bit of enlightenment on the subject of hats might be necessary. Who are these ladies? Wives, legislative aids, elected members, Idaho suffragettes?

Below from History of Idaho: The Gem of the Mountains, Volume 4. I have volumes 1, 2, & 3 but not the hard to find 4 yet. Looking for one if you have it.
William was born 8/3/1861, died 6/3/1937 & is buried at Hillcrest Cemetery, Weiser, Washington Co., Idaho (Find A Grave).

For more on Governor Steunenberg and the fourth and fifth sessions of the State Legislature, and the above Sixth session, click on the link below.
History of Idaho
James H. Hawley, Editor
From Steunenberg to Morrison

"By a vote as flattering as it was just, the electors of the state, at the last election, conferred the privilege of the ballot upon women. I take this opportunity of welcoming them to the ranks of voters and feel sure that, in their new capacity, they will exert the same influence for good that has characterized the sex since creation's dawn. I recommend such legislation as may be necessary to carry out the full purpose and extent of this amendment." 
Governor Frank Steunenberg, January, 1897

Other Related:
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Woman Suffrage in Idaho by Governor Frank Steunenberg

The Woman's Column

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