Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Flashback to the casting and sculpting of Frank's statue

Click this link to read article:   
A little slice of History: Of Statues and men by Rick Just, History Contributor to the Idaho Press

Thanks for the great article Rick!

John's Comments:
I have a minor correction to the above story. As indicated, Gilbert Riswold was the original artist who completed the clay sculpture. However, Guido Nelli did the bronze casting of my great grandfather Frank Steunenberg’s statue in October of 1927 at his California Bronze Foundry in Los Angeles. The location was incorrectly stated as San Francisco. 

Guido Nelli was a fine artist in his own right but casting was his specialty. I am including several photographs below from the USC Archives and other sources showing the casting process taking place at the foundry in Los Angeles. 

Related blog link:
Friday, November 5, 2010 
Original clay sculpture of Governor Steunenberg's statue

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