Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Inauguration of Barack Obama in Washington DC

Regardless of your political persuasion, I wanted to share a bit of the inaugural experience through the eyes of my son Joe. This may not be specifically Idaho or Steunenberg but certainly applies to everyone everywhere. I was pleased to see that his view of government has transitioned from that of being something that is only repressive and negative to a now more positive force for change. Besides the inauguration itself, I think the setting of Washington DC, the Lincoln Memorial, seeing the Constitution and Bill of Rights and gaining a sense of the historical underpinnings of our country has helped to enhance that new found enthusiasm. Now, we all need to play our role as good citizens, because if we expect one person or only government to solve our problems then we are already doomed for failure.

I think he did a pretty job of summing up his experience in Washington D.C. Click below.
Inauguration of Barack Obama in Washington DC

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