Monday, January 26, 2009

Newly Found Photo of a Young Frank Steunenberg circa 1880 taken in Des Moines, IA

Here is a newly discovered photo I just acquired showing a young Frank Steunenberg. I place it circa 1880. Frank would be about 19-20 years old and living in Iowa. I have never seen Frank's hair so slick and plastered down! Click on the photos to enlarge.

This was found through the generous efforts of Shelley Cardiel. She is a fellow historian and antique buff with the wonderful hobby of re-uniting old photographs with family descendants. You know, all those pictures and albums we see at antique sales and on eBay and wonder what has happened to the family? Of course most sad is when it is the family doing the selling. Shelley found this photo at an antique sale in Portland, Oregon.

Fortunately, the photo had Frank's name written on the back. Shelley did a little research on the family and posted a message on the Canyon Canyon Idaho Rootweb site. There it was spotted by another one of my fellow Idaho history and collecting addicts, John Mutch, who was kind enough to point Shelley in the direction of my blog and contact information. Fortunately, John and I had run into each other online before, as it certainly helped to have a friendly pair of eyes out there that knew where to find me. I always believe "what goes around comes around." Although some of us Idaho collectors occasionally find ourselves knocking heads over an item, most of the time we are happy to share information regarding our mutual historical interests. Thanks John.

Although Shelley could probably make a little more money posting items on eBay, she only asks to recoup her costs...$6.00 bucks in this case...what a deal and I cannot thank her enough for her efforts and John for helping link us up.

End of story...not quite. Jan Boles, archivist at the College of Idaho and caretaker of the Crookham Collection/Steunenberg Papers, found Shelley's message too. I always know Jan is watching out for Steunenberg items and someone else had alerted him to it. Another person that found the posting on the Canyon County site was Mary Sue Chatfield. I contacted Mary Sue and discovered she was from the Keppel side of the family. Mary Sue has already provided some helpful information and I look forward to our continued communications. Hence, I have found a heretofore-unknown photo and kinfolk connection thanks to some good networking.

A happy new beginning for a lost photo.

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