Saturday, March 10, 2012

More Songs of a Soldier: The Feline Curse at Leavenworth

Here is a another bit of poetry from Songs of a Soldier by George E. Steunenberg.

I will probably continue posting from time to time until I get to the end of the book. If you are getting this entry as an email update, you may want to come over to the blog & click on the pages for better viewing.

Related Links:
Here is a better and less fragmented view of Effusions of Uncle Sam's Soldier-Poet. May take awhile to load.

History & Hauntings FortLeavenworth

"If, however, the Writers in
Contemporary War Poems...." (click link to read more)

History of Fort Leavenworth

Fort Leavenworth (Wikipedia)

Fort Leavenworth Historical Society

Brigadier General Funston (mentioned in this verse)


Are those ice skates your wearing George?

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