Saturday, March 3, 2012

Songs of a Soldier - The Canine Curse at Snelling

To the left is a cover scan of Captain George E. Steunenberg's Song's of a Soldier, published in 1914 and "written in irresponsible moments". George (a brother of Governor Frank Steunenberg) was a rather free spirit, enlisted in the Navy as a young man and later, when the Spanish American War broke out, he enlisted in the Army. You may have read that already in a couple of previous posts. He left us with some interesting verse and on occasion would get himself in hot water due to his politically incorrect writings (click here for Army Poet Heedless of Wilhelm's Anger). I can relate—and that outspoken nature is why I love great uncle George!

Effusions of Uncle Sam's Soldier-Poet

Saturday, December 20, 2008
1st Lt. George Steunenberg in the Spanish-American War
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Photo of Charles and Major George Steunenberg

1st Lt George Steunenberg of the 1st Idaho Volunteer Infantry Writes of the Trip from Hawaii to Manila.

I am going to work my way through this little book and post scans of the poems/verse from time to time. First up, The Canine Curse at Snelling. Click on the images to enlarge.

Be on the lookout for additional scans from this book in the future. In 1935, Memories of Hawaii and Other Verse by Major George E. Steunenberg, U.S. Army Retired, was also published. More interesting stuff from George. I will get to it somewhere down the road.

BTW, I continue to always be on the hunt for militaria and stories connected to the Idaho 1st in the Spanish American War. Any old trapdoor rifles out there that belonged to your Idaho kinfolk? Please email if you have items of interest to share.

Next up will be equal time for felines: The Feline Curse at Leavenworth (All cats are banished from Fort Leavenworth by order of General Funston).

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