Saturday, September 8, 2012

Early life in Caldwell Idaho

Here are a couple more old photo's I ran across from among the items at my parents home. They were taken somewhere in Caldwell, Idaho.
Above are my Aunt Doris, Uncle's Frank ('Bud'), Jule ('Juke') and Carrol ('Cal'). I believe I have the boys right as they always looked a lot alike and had those "bowl" haircuts when they were young. My mother Brenda was probably a couple years away yet. I would place this circa 1916/17.
Above my grandmother Francis Steunenberg holding my mother Brenda Steunenberg (born 8/26/1918). I would guess they are standing next to the family home. Circa 1919 in Caldwell.

This photograph of an early Caldwell home comes from Early Caldwell Through Photographs compiled and written by Elaine C. Leppert and Lorene B. Thurston. It is included here to show the structural similarities to the home in the previous photograph of my grandmother and mother. Montie Gwinn, mentioned in the caption above, would go on to become a leading citizen of Caldwell, a business partner of the Steunenberg's, vice president of the Caldwell Bank and would rub elbows with all of the towns finest as a member of the IOOF.  Before long, Montie would be moving into a much bigger house.
This one we have seen before. I am not exactly sure where in Caldwell my grandma Francis and grandpa Julian Steunenberg were living at the time. My mama Brenda is on he far left. Elsewhere on the blog I identified her in this photograph as the "little pip squeak". She laughed and always ribbed me about it.
One of the stories is that grandma and grandpa and the kids lived in this home that is now a pump house at Luby Park, not far down the road from Canyon Hill Cemetery. It's on what would have been Kimball Avenue in those days before it was split up by freeways and such. However, I don't believe the home dates early enough. I have more and better pics of it somewhere but can't locate them at the moment. The pump house windows and doors have long ago been sealed and painted over.
Above photograph of Caldwell taken from Canyon Hill. It also comes from Early Caldwell Through Photographs. Click on any of the above photos to enlarge for better viewing. A.K. Steunenberg's house is referenced in the caption and can be seen on the right before it was remodeled. If you have any knowledge of and/or recognize the surrounding buildings or land that might help identify the location of my grandparents first home—please let me know. 

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