Sunday, September 9, 2012

Recordings from the past

Here is another discovery from the home of my parents, John and Brenda Richards. It is two recordings of my uncle Jule Steunenberg. Mom had mentioned before that Jule had a nice singing voice but I don't recall anything about these records. I have not attempted to play them yet and will resist that temptation until I am certain of the right equipment and that no damage will be done.
"Record of Jule's Voice"
The RecordDisc Corp., 395 Broadway, New York City. Date 1941. Handwritten next to Title & Recorder is "Indiana Summer" & "Jule" and on the other side "Diane" & "Jule."
"Hollywood Repro Disc, Rainbo Record Co., Los Angeles, CA. No date or titles on either side. Yes, the records have two holes but I don't know why.

Uncle Jule was killed in a collision of two B-17's in 1946, five years before I was born (1951). To have found his dog tags and now to hopefully hear his voice all these years later is quite extraordinary. 

If you have any knowledge or expertise in regards to these type of  records let me know. I am in the process of conducting more research. The goal is to get them safely recorded onto CD for all to enjoy.

Rainbo Records

Labelography of Home Recording Discs

Recordings Offer Acoustic Novels of American Families

1 comment:

  1. That is a home recording acetate. I dub them all the time.
