Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Thanksgiving Proclamation November 1899

                                    Th e_Silver_Messenger_Tue__Nov_28__1899




Saturday, November 14, 2020


Click on the link below for the Facebook page of the Frazier Farmstead Museum.

Brenda Steunenberg and The Cross at the Frazier Farmstead.

 See previous post for more of the story:

Mom at the Frazier Farmstead Museum

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Photo from "Caldwell on the Streets" Facebook group


                                                    Caldwell Car show 9-2020 by Dee Nials

Sunday, August 9, 2020

SLOW DOWN GRANDPA JULIAN! The Caldwell Tribune, Saturday, July 17, 1909

 The very first....

On the same date in the Caldwell Tribune:  

Perhaps Grandma Francis (Beardsley Wood) Steunenberg was waiting for Julian to arrive with the next load of their belongings at the home on Dearborn Street. 


Sunday, July 19, 2020

The Los Angeles Times, Friday, April 13, 1923

Eveline "Belle" Steunenberg

The "large amount of the widow's original property was given to charity" would be interpreted by me as meaning the Adventist Church.

"Idaho coal fields" should be silver, zinc and lead mining. Gold initially but had pretty well played out.

Each year the Idaho legislature would introduce a new bill to continue the annuity for another year. Monitoring and distribution of funds was handled by LA County. I assume this continued until great grandma Belle's passing on January 7, 1951. I had not quite arrived yet.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

The Caldwell Tribune, Saturday, October 20th, 1906

I wonder if that was Frank Steunenberg's engraved 1895 Savage rifle? We know his brother Will had it after Frank's assassination and later mentioned the rifle in a hand written last Will and Testament.  

"see that the guns get good keepers. And if any of Frank’s Boys ever show any tendency to guns & will take care of same; give them the gun that belonged to Frank the 30-303 savage."

I don't know where any of the guns belonging to my great grandfather or his brothers ended up. Unfortunately none of them are in my gun safe.

Related Blog Entries.

Governor Frank Steunenberg's Model 1895 .303 Savage Rifle

"To Hell With The Man Who Breaks My Will"



Sunday, May 24, 2020

20 Believed Dead In Crash Of B-17s Near Panama



Sunday, March 8, 2020

William L. Crookham 1933-2020

A few memories with Bill and talks about family history! This was back in 2005.
Bill left and John right at the family plot Canyon Hill Cemetery in Caldwell, ID
Serious discussion no doubt

No problem!

In the prior photo, Bill & I were "lifting" the piece of granite that would be made into this memorial. It stands  outside the Caldwell train station. Bill was the driving force behind this project.

More info: 
1930 Census - The Crookham, Steunenberg & McClain Family Connection

Monday, January 27, 2020


The Salt Lake Tribune, Thursday, July 24, 1902 

Friday, January 17, 2020

Idaho Penitentiary Token Set

Happened to have these old tokens out of the plexiglass holder today so tried to get some clearer scans.  From my personal JTR Collection.