This is a follow-up to my Tuesday, January 1, 2008 post "Frank Watching Over the Capitol Restoration...he could use a little help too!"
I contacted the Capitol Restoration Commission and a Becky Henke, Communications Assistant, kindly responded. I am happy to report that the governor should be getting a cleaning in March or April of this year as well as repairs to the surrounding sidewalk.
It is the Facilities Manager, Ric Johnson, not the Capitol Restoration Commission, that is responsible for the statue area. If I was in Idaho, and attending the Commission meetings, I might be arguing otherwise. However, we have quite enough happening with State government in California right now to keep my attention thank you. In addition to Frank, I have to also keep an eye on our governor. Sometimes I would like to see Arnold with a few bird droppings on his head too!
Mr. Johnson is "seeking out a company to clean the statue" and I hope finds one to do a little more then just a power washing and will instead restore but not damage the patina. Maybe someone in Boise can watch out for a shinier version of the governor in a couple of months and snap a close-up picture for me. Hopefully Frank will have a new sparkle in his eyes that might even cause me to restore Arnold to his old self.
Now that they promise to fix the crumbling sidewalk, I will quit my grumbling side talk and try to keep the spelling straight too. John
….and a final thought sent to Becky as I look for another excuse for a future trip to Idaho:
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2008 5:57 PM
To: 'Becky Henke'
Cc: 'Gary Daniel'
Subject: RE: Idaho State Capitol Commission Feedback [http://capitolcommission.idaho.gov/restoration/grounds.html]
Maybe in the planning process for the reopening, the Commission would like a Steunenberg great grandson to be available as a docent of sorts near the statue to talk about the governor, the original territorial Capitol, the assassination and the Haywood trial. Perhaps we can also bring the Steunenberg desk(s) and the trial evidence into it if any of those items find there way back to Attorney General Wasden’s office or another location in the Capitol building. Just a idea that I know may not be of any interest to anyone or seem of significance but thought I would mention it.
I will post information on my Steunenberg blog website about the upcoming cleaning of the statue.
John T. Richards
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