"I had a great family - Kris, John, Cindy, Josh & Joey & Dad & I went to Montana
de Oro on a nice picnic. John grilled chicken and sausage & we enjoyed that along with other goodies - Kris, Cindy & I made. I heard from Gary Sr., from Iowa, where he is on a job. Then later in the day from Gary Jr. & Sean by phone. So thoughtful of them. Talked to Connie also.
Glad to have a word from Beckie. I love her so much, even if we don't see everything exactly alike.
Beautiful Cards - I just couldn't throw them away. Cindy so thoughtful too, always brings flowers. Hope she and the baby do beautifully - Love all of you

May 1992"
Written May 1992 after mother's day and recently discovered among some cards my mother had kept. Interesting that she began with "I had a great family." Mom tended to write notes here and there that she knew we would discover later after she was gone. This is another of the little treasures she has left us. Referenced in the note are my s

isters Kris (and her son Sean) and Beckie, my brother Gary, his son
Gary Jr., Gary Jr's mother Connie, my sons Josh and Joe and my wife Cindy (then pregnant with my daughter
Montana de Oro is a beautiful state park here on the central coast very near our residence. Over the years,
Spooner's Cove has been the site of various family gatherings and birthday parties. Good memories. John
Brenda Steunenberg Richards
8/26/1918 - 3/21/2010
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