This particular card is postmarked Caldwell, Idaho April 10, 1906, a little over three months after the assassination of Governor Steunenberg. Along the side is written the message: "4/2/06 where I am today and will leave my surplus coin here." Click here to see the Automatic Teller and read more about saving your coins at the Caldwell Bank.
To go along with the above, I found this more rare double panorama card of the intersection at 7th and Main Street in Caldwell, Idaho. It is a printed and colored version patterned after the panorama photographs (here is one of Caldwell) that were popular in their day. I don't believe a lot of double cards were made due to the difficulty with mailing and most ended up separating or torn in half on the fold. First lesson of archiving, if you have a newspaper, post card or document that is folded, get it unfolded, flat and protected ASAP. This one has a weak fold with some slight separation but still holding pretty well. It was mailed to me...folded! Never again.

On the far left we get a peek of the 7th Street side of the Bank & Trust, going to the right we see the City Hall at what was then the far end of 7th Street, the Saratoga Hotel before the top floor addition was added, an Interurban car making its stop in front of the hotel and I believe what would be the Masonic building on the far right. Someone correct me if I am wrong. At the opposite end of 7th Street from the City Hall would be the Old Train Station where it still sits today after a bit of restoration and refurbishing.
In addition to those cited above, you may remember a number of other blog posts related to this historic Caldwell, Idaho intersection.
7th and Main Street - Caldwell, ID
"Caldwell Commercial Bank, Caldwell, Idaho"
Caldwell Banking & Trust Co.
"Interurban cars running through Main Street of Caldwell"
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