To start us off, here is an interesting post-mortem report on the death of A.K. Steunenberg. The original is in the COI Archives but not yet posted online with the other Steunenberg documents.

From Big Trouble: "A.K. barely made it to the funeral. 'I am all broke up, and can't pull myself together as of yet,' he wrote a friend a few days later. '[Frank and I] were almost inseparable from childhood's hour. We went swimming and nutting together and worked during the summer vacation side by side on the local brick yard or for some farmer. We learned the printer's trade in the same office and have been associated together in everything since we arrived at man's estate....With all his great intellectual powers, he was always just a boy to me---the same one that worked and played with me in years gone by....To lose him would be sorry, but to have him blown all to pieces seems to be more than I can bear.'"
--Big Trouble by J. Anthony Lukas

It appears the post-mortem report was written and signed by Dr. Edward E. Maxey, a known physician in Caldwell Idaho at the time (see link below). The other signature is difficult to read, perhaps Andrew Church or Churth or something totally different? The signature appears to have been added as an afterthought and crowded in above Maxey's. Please let me know if you can identify that person.
So did A.K. die of a broken heart? No. But he may have ignored physical symptoms and neglected to pursue the early medical attention and surgery that the post-Morten indicates could have saved or extended his life. Of course it is all speculation and not historical fact but this document provides a little more fuel for that argument.
I love finding these documents on interesting letterhead, in this case the Saratoga Hotel and the envelope being addressed to C. B. (Charles Benjamin but generally went by the name of Pete or Peter) Steunenberg.

More about A.K. Steunenberg on this blog.
And a couple of informative and helpful posts below from our friend Revue Guru (aka Evan) at South Fork Companion:
Edward E. Maxey, Caldwell Idaho Physician
Sept. 11: Caldwell pioneer Albert Steunenberg
Today's Quiz: Speaking of post-mortems, by who, when and where was this rather ill-conceived phrase blurted out: "to hell with habeus corpus. We'll give them post-mortems!"
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