As we go through stuff from the house where Mom and Dad lived for the past ten years, we still find the occasional treasure or photograph we did not know existed. That is as it should be as doing so helps in the processing and grieving for those we have lost. Items with a Steunenberg connection will be shared here from time to time in the days, weeks, months ahead.
Governor Frank Steunenberg |
I thought we had long ago
found all the photographs of Frank but here is another one I discovered stuffed in an envelope with other Steunenberg family photos. I may have seen this pose before but did not realize we had one of the original cabinet cards. This was taken at Myers photo studio in Boise, ID. Not dated but I am guessing pre-governorship and during Frank's term in the Idaho legislature.The classic
buttoned collar—no tie.
Statue of Governor Frank Steunenberg with Brenda Steunenberg standing at the base. Circa 1937. |
A rather somber picture of my mother
Brenda Steunenberg, a granddaughter of the governor, taken in 1937 at the statue in Boise. That would put mom at about age 19. I was not even a thought yet and meeting my dad was years away. With her serious expression and dark conservative suit, I am guessing she may have been in Idaho for a family funeral...though I could be totally wrong. Not the usual smile or playful self we are accustomed to seeing.
A real photo postcard of the statue |
No writing or date on the above card. It was with the other above photographs and is printed on AZO paper with the four corner squares in the stamp box placing it in the 1927-1940 range. I would estimate it was taken mid 1930's.
More to trickle in as time allows.
1 comment:
Vicki, thank you for contacting me. Sorry but I may have deleted your comment through Blogger by mistake when I had meant to have it post but still had the message that is sent to one of my email addresses. Hope you find this as those messages do not give me your email address. My old laptop wore out and just now getting things setup and transferred to a new one. I would love to hear more about any knowledge you may have regarding the history of your property. I know a little bit about the corner house as more information has been written over the years since the side gate to my GG property was on that side. I have visited the site over the years but has been about 13 years since my last trip. I don’t do a lot of posting or updating on the blog but still put some pics up from time to time. Hope you enjoy what you have found there and always happy to chat and share information. Regards, John
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: Unknown
Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2019 8:24 PM
Subject: [Idaho Meanderings] New comment on A couple of Frank Steunenbergphotos & his grandda....
Unknown has left a new comment on your post "A couple of Frank Steunenberg photos & his grandda...":
Hello there. I just came across your article on the history of the Steunenberg family & their home on 16th & Dearborn. Eight years ago we bought the newer Steunenberg home at 1604 Dearborn. The history fascinates me! My name is Vicki McDonald. Please feel free to contact me .
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